USF Seminar Series (Part 1) – April 20/21, 2017

Blog Events 24th February 2017


Reconceptualising Urban Landscapes of Work seminar series (Part 1) ‘Spatial Reconfigurations of Work in Cities’

University of Portsmouth, UK, 20/21 April 2017

Funded by the Urban Studies Foundation (USF)

Registration is now open via EVENTBRITE for the above free 2-day seminar due to be held in Portsmouth on 20th/21st April 2017. Tickets are limited so early registration is suggested. Speakers do not need to register.

This is the first of 3 events on ‘Reconceptualising urban landscapes of work’ funded by the Urban Studies Foundation and jointly organised with Darja Reuschke.

The seminar will run from 1030 on Thursday 20th April until 1600 on Friday 21st April. There is no fee though you will need to pay for an optional evening meal and overnight accommodation if needed. Some funding is available for student/unwaged bursaries. For further details, please contact Carol Ekinsmyth, Department of Geography, University of Portsmouth ( Queries welcome.

Register here:

Please contact Dr Carol Ekinsmyth for further details ( Please also let Carol know if you are registering but will only attend one day.

Best wishes,

Carol Ekinsmyth and Darja Reuschke

Spatial Reconfigurations of Work in Cities
Work is increasingly organized outside employer-employee systems, people hold multiple jobs and an increasingly mobile workforce works in multiple places including own homes, other people’s homes, co-working spaces, warehouses, virtual spaces, public spaces and ‘third-spaces’ (Daniel and Ellis-Chadwick 2016; Pink et al., 2015; Gough, 2012; Brennan-Horley, 2010; Felstead et al., 2005). These new realities of practices and places of work emerging in cities, and the consequences for urban systems, are still patchy and poorly understood.

As the first of three seminars exploring the spatial reconfiguration of economic practice in contemporary ‘developed economy’ cities, this 2-day seminar will focus on changing urban labour markets, commuting and work-patterns, new work technologies, new urban work sites and creative spaces. It aims to rethink existing concepts in urban research such as ‘the journey to work’, clustering, formal vs. informal work(spaces), private vs. public spaces and corporate vs. social spaces.

Key themes for the Portsmouth seminar are:

  • How have the working rhythms of cities changed and what does this mean for urban systems in terms of infrastructure, urban design and planning?
  • Where is formal, informal and precarious work undertaken; in what urban sites, industries and places, and what spaces do these create?
  • What are the mechanisms and outcomes of activity clustering in cities? Or is ‘the cluster’ an outmoded concept?
  • What new urban workspaces/geographies are emerging around the ‘platform’ economy?
  • What are the varying material outcomes of new working practices and technologies in contemporary cities in ‘developed’ economies?
  • How useful or limited are our existing theoretical frameworks?

We are bringing together researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds for a lively mixture of paper presentations, panel sessions and informal networking. Confirmed paper speakers are: J. Hong (UBDC, University of Glasgow) on ICT and commuting patterns of workers; B. Burchill (University of Cambridge) on the new diversity of fixed and mobile workplaces; S Armondi ((Politecnico di Milano) on new manufacturing and innovative workplaces; C Kayanan (University of Michigan) on innovation districts; M. Pallares Barbera (Autonomous University of Barcelona), and M. d’Ovidio (University of Bari) on new industrial and live-work spaces; T. Virani (Queen Mary London), S. Schmidt (IRS, Berlin), C. Lorne (University of Manchester) and J. Merkel (City University) on ‘new’ collaborative urban workspaces; A Wilkins and D Reuschke (University of Southampton) on homes as co-working spaces. Panel speakers additionally currently include Stephanie Taylor, Rachel Granger, Andy Pratt, Oliver Ibert, Brian Hracs, Donald Houston, Taylor Brydges.

The themes/discussions will be further developed at following seminars in Southampton (September 2017) and Athens (February 2018).

The seminar is funded by the Urban Studies Foundation and jointly organized by Dr Carol Ekinsmyth (University of Portsmouth), Dr Darja Reuschke (University of Southampton) and Dr Maria Tsampra and Dr Alex Afouxenidis (EKKE, Athens).