This round table is organized by the Habitat International Coalition and its Women and Habitat Africa Working Group (WHAWG) to celebrate the UN Habitat’s Urban October. The round table will convene four experts; practitioners, advocates and scholars, to discuss about ways to address urban and gender inequalities, from the perspectives of the right to housing and to the city, as well as economic and digital inclusion.

The panel will feature USF International Fellow, Dr Priscila Izar, who will discuss inclusive cities and gender equality based on their USF-supported research.

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"With an International Fellowship I was able to receive the mentorship, time and resources that I needed to help me sit in my ideas. As a result, I am now more confident that the ideas I endeavour to put forward, informed, predominantly, by African and Southern experiences and theories, have value beyond my immediate geographies."

Dr Wangui Kimari, International Fellowship

Urban Studies Foundation is a registered Scottish charity. Registration number SC039937.

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