2025 AAG Annual Meeting Session Gallery Author-Meets-Critics: Stephanie Wakefield’s “Miami in the Anthropocene: Rising Seas and Urban Resilience”

Location: 2025 AAG Annual Meeting - Room: 336, Level 3, Huntington Place, Detroit. | Map
Language: English

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Miami in the Anthropocene

Author-Meets-Critics: Stephanie Wakefield’s “Miami in the Anthropocene: Rising Seas and Urban Resilience”

Date: 3/25/2025
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:50 PM
Room: 336, Level 3, Huntington Place
Type: Panel

Kevin Grove

Kevin Grove,



In her newly published “Miami in the Anthropocene,” Stephanie Wakefield examines Miami as an epicenter of the urban Anthropocene and a living laboratory for adaptation to sea level rise. Using Miami as a compelling microcosm for understanding the complex interplay between urbanization and environmental upheaval in the twenty-first century, she shows how “aqua-urban futures” are being imagined for the city, from governmental scenario exercises for severe weather events to proposals to transform the city’s metropolitan area into an archipelago of islands connected by bridges. She examines the shifts reweaving the fabric of urban life and presents designs that imagine dramatic new ways of living with water. Focusing on postresilience urban designs, Wakefield illuminates the path toward a future where cities embrace opportunities for evolution rather than merely for survival.

This author-meets-critics panel brings Stephanie Wakefield together with leading scholars on urbanization and the Anthropocene to discuss her book, and alternative urban futures in the Anthropocene more broadly. Wa. Panelists include Ross Exo Adams, Hillary Angelo, Neil Brenner, Savanna Cox, and Kasia Paprocki.


Kevin Grove – Introduction

Hillary Angelo, Ross Exo Adams, Neil Brenner, Savannah Cox, Kasia Paprocki – Panelists

Stephanie Wakefield – Author’s Response

Audience Q&A

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"With an International Fellowship I was able to receive the mentorship, time and resources that I needed to help me sit in my ideas. As a result, I am now more confident that the ideas I endeavour to put forward, informed, predominantly, by African and Southern experiences and theories, have value beyond my immediate geographies."

Dr Wangui Kimari, International Fellowship

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