Brazil’s National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Urban and Regional Planning (ANPUR), in partnership with the Urban Studies Foundation (USF), is pleased to announce the launch of a new book publication. ANPUR 40 years: new times, new challenges in a diverse Brazil is edited by José Júlio Ferreira Lima and Raul da Silva Ventura Neto, the president and executive secretary of ANPUR.
The publication celebrates the Association’s four decades and reflects on the contemporary challenges of urban and regional planning in Brazil. This book is the outcome of the biannual national conference of ANPUR held in May 2023 in the city of Belém, northern Brazil. It is a compilation of the 14 best papers selected by the scientific committee of the conference.
This is the first of three events organized around the launching of the book ANPUR 40 years: new times, new challenges in a diverse Brazil. The events will be broadcast live on the ANPUR YouTube channel.
Launch schedule:
- April 4th, at 9am | Launch of the book, with the participation of the editors and representatives from USF.
- April 11th, at 9am | Presentation of chapters:
- Commuting movements in metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro in 2000 and 2010. A social stratification analysis – Ulisses Carlos Silva Ferreira
- Risk, disaster and production of space in Doce River basin. Considerations based on the collapse of a tailings dam – Fernanda Pinheiro da Silva
- Urbanization in Pernambuco in the first half of the 19th century. Political-administrative, judicial and ecclesiastical networks – Tiago Cargnin Gonçalves
- April 18th, at 9am | Presentation of chapters:
- Humanized landscape. Reference models for (post)pandemic city management – Victor Augusto Bosquilia Abade
- Black skin, white fear. About interdictions and the metropolitan non-being – Felipe Taumaturgo Rodrigues de Azevedo
- Conflicts in the public management of “virtual land”. Is the additional building potential a public good transferable to private property? – Thaís Fernanda Lopes