Connecting and Bypassing: Building Infrastructure Amid Urbanization in East Africa

Location: Zoom
Language: English

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Segment of Kenyan Standard Gauge Railway that goes through Nairobi National Park. (Photo: Zhengli Huang).

This event is a part of Smart City Cluster Seminar Series by City University of Hong Kong. Smart City provides a cross-cutting theme among diverse disciplines and programmes, leading to innovative solutions to address regional and global concerns about sustainable economic development, high quality of life, and harmony of the built environment with nature.

The presentation will examine three infrastructure projects in the East Africa Region sharing a similar narrative: railways and highways built with global infrastructure finance in recent years. The study analyzes the financing model and power dynamics involved in realizing these projects, with a particular focus on the imbalanced power structure in the development of these infrastructure projects, resulting in enclaving and bypassing in Urban Africa.

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"The USF International Fellowship provided an excellent opportunity to further my career as an Urban Geographer. Having dedicated time away from everyday University responsibilities allowed me to make progress on my writing and develop the proposal for my monograph."

Dr Ruth Massey, International Fellowship

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