Special Sessions on Publishing in Urban Studies

Location: Indian Institute of Human Settlements, Bangalore
Language: English

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Special Sessions on Publishing in Urban Studies

Co-organised by Urban Studies Journal (USJ), Writing Urban India (WUI, a program of Centre for Policy Research and Urban Studies Foundation), and Indian Institute of Human Settlements (IIHS), the event will be held prior to the Urban Arc conference and post the PhD Workshop organised by IIHS in order to educate and create awareness on academic publishing. Two sessions on ‘Turning your dissertation into a book’ and ‘Publishing academic articles in international journals’ will have experts interact with students and early career researchers.

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"It is not an overstatement to say that the USF Fellowship was invaluable in relation to both my career development and the advancement of my research around urban politics. The USF Fellowship provided me with an opportunity to be part a diverse, open and stimulating academic milieu; to have the space and time to focus on research, and to pave the way for future academic research development."

Dr Lazaros Karaliotas, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Urban Studies Foundation is a registered Scottish charity. Registration number SC039937.

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