The Social Values of Urban Land Development: collective inquiries and practices

Location: Webex (online)
Language: Mandarin

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Social values of urban land development

PLEASE NOTE: This event will be held in Chinese (Mandarin) language.

Taiwan’s existing policy tools of urban land development have generated significant financial incentives and have also created huge profits and wealth from land. Crucial questions regarding land’s social values, however, have yet to be asked and seriously examined. For example: Who benefits? Who loses out? To what extent have land prices been driven higher by regulatory tools? Is the so-called “captured value” from private property developers’ contributions really worthwhile? Who decides what needs to be contributed—and for how much, and at what cost?

Join us to explore, rethink, and debate questions about what kinds of urban futures and housing conditions we desire for our cities.

The Social Values of Urban Land Development is a series of three events organized by the collaboration between the Ralph W. Voorhees Center for Civic Engagement, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, the Lab for Integrated Socio-Spatial Science and Information at National Chengchi University, and the Organization of Urban Re-s (OURs). This project is also supported by an Urban Studies Foundation Knowledge Mobilization Award grant.

Events and Format – virtual and open to the public

This series of events includes one public talk followed by two discussion panels. The first talk will also serve as an introduction to the major themes explored in the two panels. Building on mixed methods and case studies, the talk will discuss the effects of density bonusing on land markets, land prices, and the urban public in the city. The two panels are comprised of scholars and practitioners who have long paid close attention to issues related to land development regulatory tools and affordable housing. Panelists’ discussions will focus on possibilities and alternatives for more progressive and public-oriented practices of land. To facilitate audience engagement in a virtual setting, each panelist is expected to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 20 minutes.

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Professor Donald Houston, Senior Research Fellowship

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