Check Zoom registration link for date and time (liable to change).

Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (University of Bergen) will give an online lecture, ‘Urbanism from above and below: Youth, politics and enclaving in Maputo’, on the 11th January 2024 (time TBD).

This is part of the ‘Youth on the Move: Performing Urban Space in the Global South‘ virtual lecture series, an interdisciplinary dialogue on Urban Africa and Asia from October 2023 – January 2024.

‘Youth on the Move: Performing Urban Space in the Global South’ observes emerging socio-spatial practices of youth in African and Asian contexts, and examines their modes of moving and meaning-making through an embodied politics of performance. While ‘youth’ indexes a range of people across spectrums of class, gender, caste, including from (im)migrants, labour, women, early career researchers or students; practices of movement are oriented towards livelihoods, home making, political action or trans-local migration or even artistic expression. How, why, and what are the multiple meanings of youth performing in Southern urban space? How do these different or shared practices of (im)mobility on the move inter-relate with or cross-refer each other? The project gathers urban scholars, architects, artists, curators and local youth groups from Asia and Africa for a collective contemplation through in-depth dialogues on unpeeling the multi-layered, mobile ‘Southern urbanity’.

Organisers: Ying Cheng, Min Tang, Anuj Daga

Register with the Asia-Africa network mailing list for regular updates on the upcoming lectures here.

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"We are extremely happy with the final publications from this seminar series, and we are grateful to the USF for sponsoring the event which made this possible."

Doing Global Urban Research, Seminar Series

Urban Studies Foundation is a registered Scottish charity. Registration number SC039937.

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