Workshops on Mapping Urban Livability: Photovoice, Universal Design and Public Participatory GIS

Location: Palash Residency, near 45 Bungalow, T.T Nagar, Bhopal, India
Language: English

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Flyer of Mapping Urban Livability Workshops

The workshops and learning labs (Public Participatory GIS, PhotoVoice mapping, Universal Design) conducted as a part of the series would train and equip the attendees with crucial tools to make inclusive, just, equitable, and gender-sensitive interventions. Early career researchers and students among the attendees would benefit the most from these prospects.

  • Photovoice: Photographs taken provide a visual voice for participants, helping express their needs/viewpoints that may not otherwise be captured by more traditional, researcher-driven methods. Using this methodology is often empowering and transformative for participants.
  • Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS): Is a map-based survey technique and social research tool, shall be utilized to identify the spatial locations of participants and their perceptions.
  • Universal Design: Is a design philosophy that promotes equitable, inclusive, accessible, and easily usable infrastructure, services, and information, irrespective of the user’s capacity or background. The module will identify the universal design guidelines and identify the real-world applications of these principles in the urban scope

These workshops are part of the USF Seminar Series “Calibrating urban liveability in the Global South: gendered perspectives on climate, health, governance and policy.

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"Before the USF senior fellowship, I ran a real risk of drowning in University administration and management responsibilities as I entered the ‘mid-career wildernness’. The fellowship reinvigorated my capacity, ideas and track record in research – and helped catapult me from mid- to senior career."

Professor Donald Houston, Senior Research Fellowship

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