ANPUR 40 years: new times, new challenges in a diverse Brazil
Funding period: 1 March 2024 – 31 August 2025
Type of funding:
Other Grants
Brazil’s National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Urban and Regional Planning (ANPUR), in partnership with the Urban Studies Foundation (USF), have launched ANPUR 40 years: new times, new challenges in a diverse Brazil is edited by José Júlio Ferreira Lima and Raul da Silva Ventura Neto, the president and executive secretary of ANPUR.
The book is available to download for free below, in pdf and e-reader formats. There will be a series of online launch events in April 2025, hosted by ANPUR. Please check the USF events page for more information.
This book is the result of ANPUR’s biannual national conference, held in May 2023 in Belém, Brazil. It compiles fourteen chapters selected from the 778 papers presented at the event. The best paper from each session was chosen by the scientific commissions. Over the years, the themes of the annual conferences have evolved, reflecting the state of urban and regional planning in Brazil. The first group of studies addresses urban and regional spaces, public policies, city networks, and the metropolitan issue in Brazil. The second group focuses on housing, environmental issues, and the Right to the City, alongside emerging social themes such as history, cultural identity, and social movements. The third group examines the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on cities and regions. The fourth group includes new interpretations of urban and regional concerns, with an emphasis on gender, ethnicity, and resilience in relation to identity and territories. Finally, a fifth group highlights the conference’s location, with a focus on land-use changes and socio-environmental conflicts in the Amazon region.
The production and publication of this book have been supported by the Urban Studies Foundation.
- Preface and acknowledgements (José Júlio Ferreira Lima, Raul da Silva Ventura Neto)
- Real estate investment trusts and land subdivisions: new frontiers of financialization in agribusiness cities (Giselle Mendonça Abreu)
- Local responses to fiscal austerity in Brazil: a study on Brazilian states expenditures between 2014 and 2019 (Renan Pereira Almeida, João Victor Santana Andrade)
- Commuting movements in metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro in 2000 and 2010: a social stratification analysis (Ulisses Carlos Silva Ferreira, Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi, Letícia de Carvalho Giannella)
- Risk, disaster and production of space in Doce River basin: considerations based on the collapse of a tailings dam (Fernanda Pinheiro da Silva)
- The production of real estate developers in Brazilian public housing policy (2009-2020): the large-scale residential projects and the case of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (SP) (Maiara Oliveira Silva de Aguiar, Tatiane Boisa Garcia, Débora Prado Zamboni)
- Urbanization in Pernambuco in the first half of the 19th century: political-administrative, judicial and ecclesiastical networks (Tiago Cargnin Gonçalves)
- Social technology and conventional technology for the community preservation of hydric resources in the planning of Mesquita Quilombo Territory – GO against environmental racism (Liza Maria Souza de Andrade, Mariane da Silva Paulino, Walisson Braga da Costa, Nina Beatriz de Araújo e Gallina, Teresa Bernadete Medina Ferreira Ferreira)
- Expressiveness of the invisibles: residing, working and living in the Center of Rio de Janeiro (Bruna Ribeiro, Beatriz Terra, Tarcyla Fidalgo)
- Essays and formation of act-action: between blindness and the lucidity of Luz (Antonio Aparecido Fabiano Junior, Gabriela de Miranda Papi)
- Humanized landscape: reference models for (post)pandemic city management (Victor Augusto Bosquilia Abade, Letícia Peret Antunes Hardt, Carlos Hardt, Bruno Azambuja dos Santos, Amanda Cerioni Belniaki)
- An inventory of urban experiences of collectively-owned and self-managed housing in Latin America today (Pedro Henrique Barbosa Muniz Lima)
- Black skin, white fear: about interdictions and the metropolitan non-being (Felipe Taumaturgo Rodrigues de Azevedo)
- Casa-terreiro of Quilombo Ribeirao do Mutuca: between the potential of ancestral knowledge and the limits of housing policy (Elizabeth Othon de Souza)
- Conflicts in the public management of “virtual land”: is the additional building potential a public good transferable to private property? (Thaís Fernanda Lopes)
ANPUR 40 Years
Title: ANPUR 40 years: new times, new challenges in a diverse Brazil
Edited by: José Júlio Ferreira Lima and Raul da Silva Ventura Neto
Translated by: Silvia Benchimol and Ewerton Branco
Design: Paula Custódio de Oliveira
Publisher: Urban Studies Foundation (2024)
Place of publication: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Length: 547 pages
Language: English
ISBN (pdf): 978-1-917466-00-4
DOI: 10.69752/jnhx-md06
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0