The USF is thrilled to announce the details of thirteen new Seminar Series Awards, which will run until the end of 2022. The awards feature a wide range of events, both physical and virtual, and are programmed to run in seventeen different countries. Around thirty universities are set to host these activities, along with an […]

Welcome to eight new USF International Fellows!
The USF has awarded a further eight USF International Fellowships this summer, to begin in 2021. These awards provide full funding for short visiting sabbaticals based at any institution worldwide, and are intended to support early-to-mid career academics from the Global South. This year the USF awardees include researchers based in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria […]

Announcing five new Postdoctoral Research Fellows
The Urban Studies Foundation is excited to report that five new USF Postdoctoral Research Fellows will begin their positions in 2020. After the most popular call in the history of the scheme, a very competitive assessment process has resulted in five awards for fellows spread around the world, from the Americas to Europe and Australia. […]

USF International Fellows 2019
The USF is excited to announce that a record-breaking eight USF International Fellowships have been awarded this July. The awards are specifically targeted towards early-to-mid career academics from the Global South, and offer full funding for visiting fellowships based at any institution worldwide. The fellowships are designed to function as writing sabbaticals under the guidance […]

USF Seminar Series Awards
After a very competitive round of applications, the Urban Studies Foundation is delighted to announce the full list of awards for our 2018 Seminar Series Competition. Given a large increase in the overall number of applications, the USF has also taken the unprecedented decision to fund a total of 11 awards in this cohort—three more […]